Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cuts to State Education Budget...REALLY Perry?

Here's a letter I sent to our elusterous 3rd term idiot Governor.

I find it appalling that you attended such an elaborate celebration for your inauguration in the midst of our devestating budget crisis. This big soiret' just on the heels of our state's education being flushed down the toilet. I find it unforgivable. Why didn't you pass on the pomp and circumstance and have those corporate giants donate those badly needed funds to our state's education. An education which already, by all worldly standards is far from meeting the bar set by other poorer yet more forward thinking nations which consider education to be the foundation of their society's success and growth. Rightly so. Should this ridiculous budget proposal get passed you will go down in history as a governor who supported the dumbing of not only a state, but an entire nation. I'm sure It's very easy for someone like yourself to sit up in their posh overstaffed office and make decisions that personally seem inconsequential. After all it won't directly affect your Big Oil, and Corporate Giant supporters, your personal friends, and family...I'm sure most all of them have money to send their kids to private preschools--so really, who cares about a bunch of low income kids who's parent's don't vote anyway! They don't matter. But that's where you're so wrong...who knows what great potential and opportunities for future American leaders you are destroying because of your irresponsible proposed budget cuts. Have you considered that any one of those children who will be stripped of crucial educational opportunities, including the access to the best teachers, updated technology, any additional support to help them meet standards, a great start in preschool (which studies show is a basic foundational need in order to compete in our society's educational system today) could be a child that needed any one of these basic services to help propel them to greatness that would only serve to progress our Nation. Maybe one of those children, those missed opportunities was destined to be a leader, a great educator, or maybe even the next great Dr. or Scientist to discover a cure for one of our many chronic, or debilitating diseases such as cancer? Sadly we will never know what opportunities and potential these decisions you are supporting and leading are actually snuffing out. Based on the continued trend which will now only be propelled by these budget cuts, we will continue to fall even further behind as a world leader and US rankings will continue to plummet amongst the world's community of nations. And even though it's not so evident now, some day your decisions WILL affect you and yours directly, maybe not your children, but maybe your children's children will be living in a nation that can no longer sustain the title of "world leader" simply because there is not the highly educated masses to support it. And all because in 2011 the domino effect of complete disregard and disrespect for the value of education was set into motion by our veteran 3rd term governor Rick Perry. Shame on you Mr. Perry. Find another way, and win some integrity back. You can start by taking personal responsibility, reduce your own inflated office staff, take a pay cut or 2, do something to make me believe that you are not the indiscriminate, morally despicable, self serving, big money puppet that you are showing yourself to be. Make some tough calls for the greater good, not for the Perry good. I think based on this letter you know how I feel about the proposed budget cuts to our state's public education. Please reconsider! Don't let this be your legacy.

Clearly I feel strongly about the decisions that are hanging in the balance. Call your elected officials TODAY and use your leverage as a voter to influence decisions. It's important to our children's future.